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High frequency resonant link AC/AC power converters with a resonant circuit between the input converter and the output converter enable the system to reduce switching losses by switching the devices on or switch them off only at the moment of the resonant voltage or current across the device remaining at zero. The converters also have the possibilities of solving such problems as the increased switching losses and incompatibility with high power capability and high switching frequency, in which high frequency carrier PWM inverters usually have problems.The resonant link converters, however, also had the particular problems such as distortion of the output voltage, high peak-voltage or -current stresses on the devices, which are mainly caused by the uniform pulses arising from the phase selections of the devices for PDM operation.In this paper we clarified these problems and proposed a current limiting method which limits the current pulse to a fixed value by using a saturable core in place of a resonant inductor. And current pulse splitting method is also proposed. The method performs to control three phase currents almost at a time, improving output waveforms and the reduction of filter capacitor size becomes possible. This paper deals with the principles on these methods and the simulated results and experimental results are included.
- 社団法人 電気学会の論文
村井 由宏
中村 秀男
Lipo Thomas
LIPO Thomas
University of Wisconsin
Lipo Thomas
University of Wisconsin-Madison
村井 由宏
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