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Many suitable developing agents have been reported on the separation of Ca, Sr, and Ba by paper chromatography. The authors obtained good results by using ethanol-HCl and ethanol-HNO<SUB>3</SUB> systems as the developing agents. Solutions composed of ethanol, 6 <I>N</I> acid, and water made up to 100 vol. have been tested, among which those containing a constant amount of ethanol with increasing amount of the acid gave gradual decrease in <I>R<SUB>f</SUB></I> values in all those elements, while those with a constant amount of the acid and increasing amounts of ethanol gave rapid decrease in <I>R<SUB>f</SUB></I> values. Increasing the amount of water gave larger <I>R<SUB>f</SUB></I> values but the separation of Ca and Sr became difficult; also the detection was difficult due to diffusion. A solution composed of ethanol 6080, 6 <I>N</I> HCl or 6 <I>N</I> HNO<SUB>3</SUB> 10, and water 3010 gave especially good results for the separation of the three; and there was no change in <I>R<SUB>f</SUB></I> values when chlorides or nitrates were used. By using an ethanol-HCl system, detection of Sr and Ba was possible in a solution containing a large amount (500 times as much) of Ca.
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