接触および誘発反応を応用した化学分析法(第7報) : 濾紙斑点の光度的測定法による微量銅およびコバルトの定量
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A drop (0.02ml.) containing a small amount of Cu<SUP>2+</SUP> or Co<SUP>2+</SUP> and one drop of (NH<SUB>4</SUB>)<SUB>2</SUB>[Hg(CNS)<SUB>4</SUB>] act on the filter paper dried in the air after immersing in ZnSO<SUB>4</SUB> solution to produce a color spot by the induced action of Zn [Hg (CNS)<SUB>4</SUB>] precipitate ; the Cu<SUP>2+</SUP> and Co<SUP>2+</SUP> are determined by transmittance and reflectance measurements of the violet color of Cu spot and blue color of Cu spot with the use of spectrophotometer, and the merits of these methods are compared. Transmittance method showed good sensitivity but it gave unexpected errors from ununiformity of the paper. Although the reflectance method showed less sensitivity, the errors produced from lack of uniformity of the paper were less. The average error of Cu was 2.3% and that of Co 3. 1% by transmittance method, while the average error of Cu was 6.5% and that of Co 4.8% by the reflectance method, when the sample contained Cu and Co 0. 11. 0μg/0. 02 ml. A special device was used for formation of spot and it was necessary for formation of a uniform spot.