- 2.増感培養法を用いたパントテン酸, ビオチンおよびニコチン酸の微生物学的超微量定量(JOURNAL OF NUTRITIONAL SCIENCE AND VITAMINOLOGY : 掲載論文要旨)
- 不溶性抗体を用いた血清中カルバマゼピンとバルプロ酸濃度の酵素免疫測定法の臨床への適用
- 免疫沈降阻止反応を用いた血清中カルバマゼピンとテオフィリン濃度測定法の臨床への適用
- 免疫沈降阻止反応を用いた血漿中抗てんかん薬濃度測定法の臨床への適用
- 不溶性抗体を用いるエンザイムイムノアッセイ法の体液中抗てんかん薬定量への適用
- Gas Chromatography of Catecholamines and Related Compounds
- Relationship between Neurological Symptoms and Concentrations of Clioquinol in Serum and Nervous Systems of Beagle Dogs
- Gas Chromatography and Its Combination with Mass Spectrometry of Urinary Sugar Alcohols
- A New Ultra-micro Microbioassay
- Reaction of Pyridoxal with Cyanide
- Gas Chromatography of Copper (II) and Nickel (II) Chelates of Some β-Ketoimine Derivatives of 2,4-Pentanedione and Salicylaldehyde
- 薬物治療の適正化と薬品分析
- 薬物血中濃度の管理
- 治験薬データベースの開発と運用
- 生体試料からの薬品分析
- 東大病院の場合(薬剤の銘柄選定)
- カテコールアミン系の分析化学
- 亜硝酸ナトリウムを用いるズルチンの新けい光分析法(第5報)アセトアルデヒド添加による増けい光
- Determination of Neutral and Amino Sugars in Glycoproteins by Gas Chromatography
- Serum Levels of 5-Chloro-7-iodo-8-quinolinol and Its Toxicity in Various Animals
- Hydrolysis of 5-Chloro-7-iodo-8-quinolinol Conjugates catalyzed by Metal Ions
- A Gas Chromatographic Determination Method of 5-Chloro-7-iodo-8-quinolinol and Its Conjugates in Biological Fluids
- Analysis of 5-Chloro-7-iodo-8-quinolinol Conjugates by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
- Assay of Arginine-esterase Activities by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
- A New Fluorometric Analysis of Dulcin using Sodium Nitrite. IV. Studies on the Reaction Mechanism
- Synthesis of 5-Chloro-7-iodo-8-quinolinol Sulfate
- A New Fluorometric Analysis of Dulcin using Sodium Nitrite. III. Structural Determination of the Fluorescent Compound by the Single Crystal X-Ray Diffraction Method
- A New Fluorometric Analysis of Dulcin using Sodium Nitrite. II. Isolation and Structural Investigation of the Fluorescent Compound
- Bifidus Factors in Carrot. I. Purification and Some Properties
- Simultaneous Determination of Urinary Uronic Acids and Saccharic Acids by Gas Chromatography
- Isolation and Structural Analysis of a Fluorescent Compound produced by the Reaction of Dulcin with Sodium Nitrite
- Gas Chromatography of Trifluoroacetyl Derivatives of Alditols and Trimethylsilyl Derivatives of Aldonolactones
- Mechanism of the Millon Reaction. II. The Crystal Structure of Pigment 1
- 処方調査におけるコンピュータ・システム利用の試み
- ペーパークロマトグラフ法による陰イオンの一斉分析法の研究 : 無機ペーパークロマトグラフ法の研究(第4報)
- トランス-π-オキソカンファーの代謝(第2報) : 経口投与時の代謝
- Gas Chromatographic Analysis of Aldoses
- Gas Chromatography of Principal Hexosamines
- Gas Chromatography of Glucuronides.
- Gas Chromatography of Compounds in Vitamin B_6 Group
- 2.ビタミンB_6群のガスクロマトグラフィー(第7回ビタミンB_6定量小委員会研究発表要旨)
- Nanogram Order Analysis of Sugars by Gas Chromatography
- Gas Chromatography of O-Glucuronides
- ペーパークロマトグラフ法による金属イオンの一斉分析法の研究-2 : 無機ペーパークロマトグラフ法の研究第3報
- 処方せんの枚数と件数、件数と剤数の関連性
- スズの焔色反応について
- Metabolism of trans-π-Oxocamphor.
- 臨床化学
- Application of HPLC to Drugs in Biological Fluids
- My Life in Clinical Chemistry
- タイトル無し