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Potentiometric titration of triethylenetetraminehexaacetic acid (TTHA) with lead tetraacetate was investigated.<BR>The titration procedure is as follows. An aqueous solution (100 m<I>l</I>) containing 40 m<I>l</I> of glacial acetic acid and 10.00 m<I>l</I> of 0.05 <I>M</I> lead tetraacetate in glacial acetic acid was titrated with a TTHA solution by using a platinized platinum wire electrode as indicator electrode. The potential of the electrode was measured against a saturated calomel electrode, which was connected to the solution through an agar bridge of 30% KNO<SUB>3</SUB>. The measurement of the potential was made at 2 minutes after each addition of the titrant.<BR>The titration curve indicated that Pb(IV) ion reacts with TTHA in molar ratio of 2:1. The potential change in the vicinity of the end point was about 100 mV per 0.10 m<I>l</I> of the titrant. TTHA could be determined over the concentration range of 0.01 <I>M</I>0.05 <I>M</I> within the error of ± 1.0% and with the relative standard deviation of ± 0.05%. The addition of Pb(II) ion into the titrated solution up to 20% of the concentration of Pb(IV) ion did not interfere with the determination. Interference of Pb(II) ion with the determination was observed, as shown in Fig. 7 and Table III, when its concentration was larger than 20% of that of Pb(IV) ion in the titrated solution. The conditional formation constant of the chelate of Pb(II) ion with TTHA in which the molar ratio was 2 : 1, was calculated to be about 1 <I>M</I><SUP>-2</SUP> under the experimental condition.<BR>Effect of the change in the concentration of acetic acid or sodium acetate and temperature of the titrated solution was examined.<BR>When the volume fraction of acetic acid in the titrated solution increased to more than 50%, a positive error became remarkable, as shown in Fig. 3. When the concentration of sodium acetate in the titrated solution increased to 0.04 <I>M</I>, a negative error became remarkable as shown in Fig. 4.<BR>When the temperature of the titrated solution was higher than 25°C, a negative error was noted as shown in Fig. 5, but when it was lower than 25°C, a positive error was noted as shown in Fig. 6.<BR>It was considered that the potential of the indicator electrode beyond the end point of the titration curve would be determined predominantly by the platinum ion-platinum system, which was produced by the dissolution reaction of the platinum oxide layer in excess TTHA (Fig. 8).<BR>The present potentiometric method is as satisfactory for the standardization of TTHA as the color indicator method.
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