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In the previous reports, it was stated that the azo dye produced by the reaction of nitrite with sulfanilamide and <I>N</I>-1-naphthylethylenediamine was extracted into carbon tetrachloride by coupling with alkylbenzenesulfonate (ABS), and the method was applied to the determination of trace amount of nitrite ion. In this paper, the authors used the coupling reaction for the determination of ABS. The negatively charged ABS is quantitatively extracted into carbon tetrachloride with the addition of the azo dye. The procedure is as follows.<BR>To a 25 m<I>l</I> sample solution are added 2 m<I>l</I> of 2×10<SUP>-4</SUP><I>M</I> nitrite solution, 1 m<I>l</I> of 1% sulfanilamide in 1.2 <I>M</I> hydrochloric acid solution, and 1 m<I>l</I> of 0.05% <I>N</I>-1-naphthylethylenediamine dihydrochloride solution. After 10 min, 10 m<I>l</I> of carbon tetrachloride is added, and ABS is extracted by shaking for 2 min. The absorbance is measured at 525 mμ using a 1-cm cell. The blank correction is unnecessary because the blank is always zero against water. When natural water samples are treated, sometimes a skim-like substance is observed in the boundary layer of the aqueous and the organic phases and it adsorbs a part of the ABS-azo dye compound. In that case, the organic phase is transferred into another separatory funnel together with the skim, and then the ABS-azo dye compound is backextracted into a mixture of 0.04 <I>M</I> hydrochloric acid and acetone (1 : 1). The absorbance of the mixture is measured. The diverse anions do not interfere as shown in Table I. The presence of 1 ppm of the anionic surface-active agent such as fatty acid, naphthalenesulfonate, polyoxyethylenealkylphenolethersulfate or polyoxyethylenealkylphenolethersulfonate does not interfere. The sensitivity by Sandell's expression is 0.009 μg ABS/cm<SUP>2</SUP>.
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