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A method for the separation of vanadium(V) and molybdenum(VI) on ion-exchange resins was investigated in the sodium hydroxide solutions. Distrbution coefficients for these ions with strongly basic anion-exchange resins, DIAION SA # 100 of 1001200 mesh in the hydroxide form, were measured at various concentrations of sodium hydroxide solutions.<BR>The both of these ions were adsorbed strongly on the resins below pH 12.0, but on the range from pH 12.0 to 2.0<I>M</I>, the distribution coefficients of vanadium(V) decreased sharply with the increasing of sodium hydroxide concentrations and not adsorbed at 2.0<I>M</I> solution, while that of molybdenum(VI) decreased slowly. On the basis of these results, a following procedure is recommended:<BR>The solution which containing 2.0 × 10<SUP>-3</SUP> mmol of vanadium(V) and molybdenum(VI) respectively, was passed through an ion-exchange column, 10 × 110 mm, at the sodium hydroxide concentration below pH 12.0. Both of the ions were adsorbed on the resins. Then the vanadium(V) was eluted quantitatively with 20 m<I>l</I> of 2.0<I>M</I> sodium hydroxide solution and separated, from molybdenum(VI). Finally, the molybdenum(VI) was eluted with 25 m<I>l</I> of 1:1 mixed solution of 1.0 <I>M</I> sodium hydroxide solution and 1.0 <I>M</I> sodium chloride solution.
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