液液抽出後固液分離分析法 ナフタレン抽出によるニッケル(II)の吸光光度定量
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A method of liquid-liquid extraction of nickel dimethylglyoxime with melted naphthalene followed by solid-liquid separation was successfully applied to the analysis of the micro amounts of nickel.<BR>To 30 m<I>l</I> of the sample solution containing 1.08.0 m<I>l</I> of 5×10<SUP>-4</SUP><I>M</I> standard nickel solution were added 0.5 m<I>l</I> of 0.5% dimethylglyoxime solution and 2 m<I>l</I> of 1<I>M</I> ammonium chloride-ammonia buffer solution, adjusting the pH of the solution to 5.59.6. The solution was mixed thoroughly, allowed to stand for about 10 minutes, and warmed 1015 minutes on a water bath at 60°C. Add 2.0 g of naphthalene and warm the mixture at 90°C resulting the naphthalene layer to melt completely. Shake it vigorously till the naphthalene layer solidifies forming many fine crystals, and stand to cool them to room temperature. Again heat and melt slowly the very fine solidified crystals suspended in the solution on the water bath, and they grow up to larger crystalline deposit. After cooling at room temperature, the solidified deposit was washed with distilled water by decantation, spread them on a dry filter paper for air-drying. Dissolve the red colored naphthalene crystals with chloroform (to be insoluble in benzene), dilute the yellow colored chloroform solution to 10 m<I>l</I>, and measure its absorbance at a wavelength of 375 mμ against the reagent blank. This solution is very stable for long times. Beer's law was obeyed for 10 to 350 μg of nickel in 10 m<I>l</I> of chloroform solution, and the molar absorptivity was calculated 3.01×10<SUP>3</SUP> at a wavelength of 375 mμ. Various metal ions and alkaline metal salts, except EDTA, and did not interfere in the determination at pH about 8.5.<BR>Generally the complexes which are very stable at high temperature, are quantitatively extracted into the melted naphthalene, as well as copper and zinc oxinates, and the micro amounts of metals can be determined by the naphthalene extraction. It is characteristic of this method that the distribution equilibrium is reached for several seconds very rapidly. The method was rapid and accurate.
- 社団法人 日本分析化学会の論文
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- タイトル無し
- 液液抽出後固液分離分析法
- Visit to Professor Heyrovsky in Prague.
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- タイトル無し