Disperse Dyes from Alkylanthraquinones.II.
- 論文の詳細を見る
A series of dispersing dyes containing a β-methyl group and an α-amino group have been synthesized in such a way that those substituents are not located in adjacent positions to each other on the ring structure. The starting compounds employed were the Diels-Alder adducts obtained from 2, 3-dimethylbutadiene with naphthazarine and with 5-nitro-2, 3-dichloronaphthoquinone. Their dyeing qualities for Acetate and Tetoron were then tested. It has been reported that the presence of a methyl group in an adjoining position to the amino group lowers the fastness against sunlight due to increased electron density at the amino group. The dyes prepared in the present study thus showed improved fastness of 4-6 grade for Acetate, that for Tetoron being around 3 grade. They also revealed excellent resistance against washing and sublimation, though their dyeing qualities remained almost the same as that of 2-methylanthraquinone derivatives. Shift of the maximum absorption peak toward the longer wave length was noted in ethanol when the methylanthraquinones were compared with anthraquinone derivatives containing no methyl group.
- 社団法人 有機合成化学協会の論文
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- Disperse Dyes from Alkylanthraquinones. I.
- Disperse Dyes from Alkylanthraquinones.II.
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