- 論文の詳細を見る
To know the actual states of understanding and utilization of “home pharmacy” in regional residents and their regional differences, we performed questionnaire survey for the residents in Ueda-shi in Nagano and the Kita-tama area in Tokyo, where it was found in the past survey that the medical activities as “home pharmacy” in Ueda-shi was remarkably higher than those in the Kita-tama area. By the present survey it was confirmed that the percentages of the person who keeps “home pharmacy” and of the person who fixes a pharmacy to get a filled prescription were remarkably higher in the residents of Ueda-shi than those of the Kita-tama area. The level of understanding of “home pharmacy” was also higher in the residents of Ueda-shi. These results suggested that the spread of “home pharmacy” is influenced by the extent of activity of regional pharmacy and the regional society of pharmacists.
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