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Stereochemistry in the reduction of ketones with microbes is controlled by two methods. Immobilization of the microbe and utilization of the specific inhibitor are effective for controlling the course of the reduction The reduction with immobilized bakers yeast in polyurethane gives D-alcohols while that immobilized in magnesium alginate gives L-alcohols. As an inhibitor, methyl vinyl ketone is effective for obtaining D-alcohols whereas the reduction in the presence of ethyl chloroacetate affords L-alcohols. Thus both enantiomers of chiral alcohols are prepared in high enantiomeric excesses by a single microbe. Diastereoselectivities in the reduction of 2-alkyl-3-oxobutanoate with bakers yeast are also controlled.
- 社団法人 有機合成化学協会の論文
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