- 論文の詳細を見る
Glycolipids are the hybrid molecules constructing with hydrophilic carbohydrate and hydrophobic chains, and show the unique physicochemical properties and bioactivities. Their carbohydrate moieties are characteristically altered in relation to cellular proliferation, differentiation and transformation, and recently, the glycolipid associated with cellular differentiation is clarified to carry a bioactivity to induce the differentiation. Also, they have a strong immunogenecity to produce the carbohydrate-specific antibodies, which are quite useful for analyzing several biological phenomena including immune and neural systems, and for applying to diagnosis and therapy of cancers. In addition, they serve the specific receptors for bacteria, viruses, toxins, hormones and lymphokines, and modify the activities of signal transduction-mediated enzymes and cell surface antigenic proteins. Thus, recent approach on the functional analyses of glycolipids on the bases of definite structures is greatly expanded to several fields, and is summerized in this communication.
- 社団法人 有機合成化学協会の論文
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