- 論文の詳細を見る
The dispersion of zoospores in a horizontal direction is considered to be the sum of their own swimming power and the effect of eddy currents, while in the vertical direction it is regarded as a uniform movement sedimentation. If the total number of liberated zoospores is regarded as 100%, the relative number of zoospores showed 0.047%/cm right below the zoospore liberation point and 0.020%/cm at a point 10m away from there. Furthermore, the dispersion range of zoospores became wider in the seawater as turbidity increased, while the number of zoospores settling on the bottom decreased; when the sea water turbidity was more than 2mg/l, the density of settled zoospores was 0.023%/cm right below the zoospore liberation point. Meanwhile, the formational range of kelp beds is also largely reduced in accordance with increasing turbidity. When the turbidity is 10mg/l, the area of kelp beds is estimated to reduce to less than 1/10 of its ordinary area under normal turbidity.
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