- 論文の詳細を見る
In this research we analyzed the “Kanto University Women’s Soccer League” , to solve the problem that a lot of students might step out from soccer after they graduated from high school. We classified universities of the “Kanto University Women’s Soccer League” into four types, according to the aspect of difficulty of entrance examinations and performance of the competitions. As a result of the analysis, it was clarified that there are no women’s soccer clubs in the so-called “MARCHG (popular, private university group of the Meiji, Aoyama Gakuin, Rikkyo, Chuo, Hosei, and Gakushuin) ” zone. As a lot of students take entrance examinations of universities in “MARCHG” , it can be thought that a distributional bias in universities is one of the reasons why many students don’t continue in soccer clubs after they have graduated from high school. From the results of this research, it is considered that establishing women’s soccer clubs at universities in “MARCHG” will lead to the development of women’s soccer in Japan.
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