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The characteristics of digestive proteolysis and digestive proteinases in the crabs Portunus trituberculatus, Portunus sanguinolentus and Charybdis japonica were studied. For these three species, a broad range of stable protease activity from pH 6-8 was found. Optimum temperature was found to be around 60°C. Proteolytic activity is stable between pH 6-8 and effects of metallic ions are similar in the three species. Trypsin, carboxypeptidase A and leucine aminopeptidase were identified in the digestive glands of three species using synthetic substrates. However, neither chymotrypsin nor carboxy-peptidase B were found. Hydrolysis of native collagen occurs in the digestive glands of three species. In addition, after gel filtration, a proteolytic activity was observed in a low molecular weight fraction. Optimum pH for trypsin was found around 8-8.5.
- ガザミ,ジャノメガザミ,およびイシガニのプロテアーゼの特性
- ナンキョクオキアミ・カテコールオキシターゼの精製および特性
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- コイ,ウナギおよびニジマス肝臓のホスホフルクトキナ-ゼの特性〔英文〕
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- 魚類のβ-グルクロニダーゼ分布
- ニジマス肝臓のβ-ガラクトシダーゼに関する研究-1-精製および二・三の性質
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- 魚類の糖代謝酵素系に関する研究-3-肝臓のグルコ-ス-6-りん酸脱水素酵素とグルコ-ス脱水素酵素の特性
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