- 論文の詳細を見る
The most practical technique for the production of a copepod Tigriopus japonicus is a combination culture with a rotifer Brachionus plicatilis fed with baker's yeast.The present experiment was carried out to evaluate feeding ω-Yeast instead of baker's yeast as a food source for the establishment of more productive method. Chlorella minutissima was cultured in outdoor 200 ton concrete tanks A and B (10×15m with water depth of 1.4m) which were fertilized in advance and seawater was added gradually to full amount with aeration, until the density of 97×105 cells/ml in A, 145×105 cells/ml in B were attained Tigriopus were seeded with the rotifers at the density of 15/l in A, 29 /l in B. Then ω-Yeast and baker's yeast were supplied to the tank A and B respectively at the rate of 1 g/1 million rotifers/day.Total amounts of Tigriopus harvested during 89-days experiment period (61 times) were 168.0kg, 81.5kg (60 times) and the maximum densities attained were 22, 048/l and 10, 100/l for tank A and B respectively. The maximum densities for rotifers were 169/ml and 46/ml. A ?? erage percentage of copepodites were 44% in tank A, but 36% in tank B during the experiment, while those of adults were nearly same (26%, 27%). The amount of yeast used for 1 kg production of Tigriopus were 5.1kg and 7, 5kg for tanks A and B respectivley.
- 日本水産學會の論文
- 平成16年度第2回日本水産学会中部支部大会報告
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