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To study the characteristics particle distrbution in waters the authors developed new apparatus applying the principle of light beam interruption. Two experimental series were carried out in different places, one was a small scale measurement at the inner part of bay and the other was open sea. As the variation of “ particle numbers in every unit tow lenght (PARTICLE NUMBER) ” was regarded as a stochastic process, power spectrum of PARTICLE NUMBER, histogram and I ?? index were calculated in each case. They suggested that distribution patterns near sea surface could be classified into two groups, daytime pattern and night one. In the former case histograms of PARTICLE NUMBER seemed to be Poisson (random distribution) and in the latter Polya-Eg-genbergs distribution (contagious distribution). The fluctuation of PARTICLE NUMBER in some neighboring quadrats was examined and it was detected that the conditional probability of the process decreased exponentially. It was inferred that the relation between transition probability and state space in Markov Process is applicable to the fluctuation of PARTICLE NUMBER.
- 公益社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
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