養殖コイから得た本邦初報告のDactylogyrus minutus KULWIE ?? , 1927 (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae)
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A dactylogyrid was found parasitizing the gills of the 0 year carp (Cyprinus carpio) reared at farms in Nagano prefecture. The dactylogyrid was identified as Dactylogyrus minutus (Monogenea: Dactylogyridae). The discovery of this species is the first recorded case in Japan. The chitinous parts and the other structures of the species are also redescribed in this paper. The shape and the size of the chitinous parts almost agree with those reported by foreign authors, except the lack of a chitinous ring at the distal eng of the uterus. No such structure was found in the present specimens. KULWIE ?? did not mention a chitinous ring at the site in his original description of the species. Morphologically this species is characterized by the structure of the ovary and the vagina. The former originates behind the testis and is curved or folded in shape. The latter has a chitinous ring its opening. The vaginal duct is dilated to form the receptaculum seminis.
- 公益社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
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