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50 newly hatched larvae of an eleotrid goby, Odontobutis obscurus were reared in a glass aquarivm for 84 weeks, and their growth was traced with special observation on their aggressive and territorial behaviour, and the use of piled-up shelters by them. 1. Under controlled water temperatures (18±1 to 20±1°C), their mean body length reached 9.2cm in one year (52 weeks), and the yearling females spawned in the aquarium. 2. For the relationship between body weight (W g) and body length (L cm), an equation W=0.02031 L3.1521 was applicable for the whole developmental stages. 3. Some of the shelters used by the fish became territorial centers according to the development of aggressiveness by 20 to 24 weeks after hatching. The appearance of territorial behaviour did not seem to influence the growth and survival of fish under uncrowded conditions. 4. Introduction of piled-up shelters in the rearing place seems to be advantageous for high density captivity, because territory-unestablished individuals utilize its upper position for their staying site.
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