魚肉ねり製品のアドヒージョンに関する研究-IV : プラスチックケーシングと肉密着性
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The present investigation was undertaken to measure the wettability of liquids such as water, eggwhite and oil on plastic casings and to measure the rate of meat adhesion of fish meat products to plastic casings. The wettability of liquids on casings is measured by tilting a platform tester. It was found that polyamid, polyester, polyvinylidenchloride and polyvinylidenfluoride films result in a greater wettability of water and egg white than does polyethylen film. Regarding the adhesion of the fish meat to plastic casings, it was found that the rates of meat adhesion to polyamide, polyester, polyvinylidenechloride and polyvinylidenfluoride are very large and that the adhesion strengths of those plastics are in the range of 170-300 (g/3cm). There was no adhesion to any of the other kinds of casings investigated. It was found that wettability of water and egg white on plastic films can be correlated with the degree of adhesion of the fish meat to the casings.
- 公益社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
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