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It has already been reported that a peptide having peripheral vasodilating activity was isolated from the hydrolysate of the skeletal muscle of immature male fur seal. The present study was undertaken to determine whether or not the peptide preparations from fur seals of different ages and sexes also have this vasodilating activity.27 fur seals caught in the northern sea of Japan were divided into five groups according to their generative power based on their estimated age, and the skeletal muscle from the animals of each group was defatted and hydrolysed enzymatically. The hydrolysate was then fractionated by gelfiltration on Sephadex G-25 and the peptide fraction obtained was examined for the vasodilating activity.Immediately after the injection of a saline solution of the peptide into the femoral artery of dog, the blood flow in the artery was increased by 71% at the highest and 40% at the lowest. However, no significant difference in the rate of increase was observed among the five groups nor among the three groups, males, females and pregnant females.It may be concluded from the above results that the peptide having the peripheral vasodilating activity is obtainable from any individual fur seal regardless of age and sex.
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