魚類の消化酵素に関する研究-IV : コイおよびクロダイの孵化後の成育にともなう消化酵素活性
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The development of protease and amylase activities of carp, Cyprinus carpio, and black sea bream, Acanthopagrus schlegelii, after hatching was studied. The results obtained are as follows. Though high tryptic activity occurred in carp eggs and increased with growth after hatching, peptic activity was very weak in the eggs and did not increase along with growth. On the other hand, maltase and amylase activities developed along with growth from 7-10 days after hatching. Even a carnivorous fish like black sea bream clearly showed amylase activity at 11 days after hatching which increased gradually with growth. Development of the peptic activity in black sea bream coincided with that of differentiation of the gastric gland. The tryptic activity appeared at 3 days after hatching and increased gradually with growth.
- 公益社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
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