かまぼこのレオロジー的物性と構造に関する研究-XIII : かまぼこの足と緩和時間分布関数との関係
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The tensile relaxation modulus reduced to 25°C in the time scale range from 3×10-2 sec to 1 ×106 sec was determined, and the relaxation spectrum was calculated for kamaboko. A comparison of the relaxation spectra for various kamaboko varying in tensile tough-ness (i.e., the strength of ashi) gives the following information: (1) There is a very good parallelism between the magnitude of tensile toughness and the absolute value of the dif-ferential coefficient of the relaxation spectrum at 1×10-1 sec of relaxation time. (2) There is also good parallelism between the magnitude of tensile toughness and the width of the distribution range of the relaxation times of Maxwell units which are able to relax under applied strain.
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