ベトナムにおける生産構造に関する計量経済分析 : 全要素生産性と生産要素の動向
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Paul Krugman attracted attention when he said that East Asian growth, unaccompanied by technological innovation, would soon come to a dead end as was the case with the USSR. The purpose of this paper is, in an attempt to probe into what has made Vietnamese economic success possible, to analyze the production structure and the input factor in Vietnam by growth accounting method, production function analysis and labor mobility index method. The results are as follows.Firstly, the T. F. P. improves a little in the primary and in the secondary industry, but not in the tertiary industry. The improvement starts in the primary industry in the early 1980s, mainly because the period marks the beginning of an economic reformation which helps bring about free disposal of crops and expansion of hyper-productivity rice. In the secondary industry, however, the improvement does not begin to occur until in the nineties, when the governments economic open policy makes the domestic market accessible to foreign investors.Secondly, land productivity changes for the better in the primary industry, although labor productivity and capital productivity remain unchanged. This is due to land restriction measures taken in agriculture. In the secondary industry, on the other hand, labor productivity goes upgrade while capital productivity declines. This is brought about by labor saving innovation resulting from new technologies from abroad and by regal restrictions arising from the minimum wage system.Thirdly, the changes in production patterns prompt the working force to move from farm villages to industrial cities. In the latter half of the eighties, they move mainly to the secondary and the tertiary industry. But in the nineties, this flow declines because of fewer job opportunities in the secondary industry. Superfluous job-hunters try to find their way into the informal sector.
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