- 論文の詳細を見る
A lot of theoretical, empirical researches have been done about the traffic assignment problem with road network which uses the traffic equilibrium theory so far. It can be said that it reached a considerably practicable stage. However, the forecast of the change in the time required and the link traffic according to the type of car are necessary and indispensable to pursue the improvement of the assignment accuracy of the model.By the way, we have attached importance to the static traffic assignment problem for the constant flow pattern at all day using traffic assignment model adapted recently. However, traffic is variable according to the change of time in the same road section. Therefore, to operate the road network efficient, the technique by which the traffic change in time can be described is needed.In the model by which a time change of traffic is handled, there are a dynamic assignment model and hourly user equilibrium assignment model. The former is an assignment model which is expressed momentary flow pattern specifically, so it is not a practicable technique in a large-scale road network. The latter is an intermediate model between static and dynamic. In addition, acoording to the idea of a little big interval of time (time-band), the state change between time-bands is treated as a dynamic assignment, and the traffic flow is treated as a static assignment.In this study we classify the traffic into two single classes each constant time-band, assign to the Nagoya city road network including expressway using multi-vehicle class hourly user equilibrium traffic assignment models, and examine reproducibility of the current state of the model by comparing the assignment results with the survey value.
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