ニジマス脂質代謝の内分泌調節-II. : 血漿脂質におよぼす数種ホルモン物質の影響
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In order to clarify the endocrine control over the egg yolk formation, the effects of estrogenic substance (diethylstilbestrol), androgenic substance (methyltestosterone), thyroid hormone (powdered mammalian thyroid gland), and adrenocorticotropin on plasma lipid and lipoprotein in rainbow trout were examined. Levels of total lipid and lipoprotein in plasma were raised by estrogen treatment. The liver of estrogen-treated fish was hypertrophic, and contained more lipid, protein and nucleic acids. It is concluded that the lipoporotein is synthesized in liver and released into the blood under the influence of ovarian steroid hormone. On the contrary, the levels of lipid and lipoprotein were reduced by thyroid powder administration. From these results it is suspected that an endocrine correlation mechanism affects the metabolism of lipoproteins that are deposited in the oocytes.
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