魚肉ソーセージの軟化現象について-V : 軟化原因細菌Bacillus circulansの芽胞生育におよぼすピロ燐酸ソーダおよびソルビン酸の影響
- 論文の詳細を見る
In the previous papersl, 2, 3), characteristics of the softening spoilage of fish sausage, species of causative bacteria with reference to its activity of decomposing starch under anaerobic condition have been reported. In addition, the use 4) of a mixture of three different compounds, including sodium pyrophosphate, sorbic aicd and glucose was suggested to be effective as apreventive means of this particular spoilage. This time, the nature of sodium pyrophosphate relevant to the retardation of growth in the spoilage bacteria will be discussed. W. Vishniac (1950)18), and separately G. Dirheimer (1956)19), already pointed out an inhibitory effect of pyrophosphate or tripolyphosphate on yeast hexokinase. They noticed that some chelating action of these polyphosphates with magnesium ion would cause the inhibition of hexokinase, which then can be restored by addition of MgSO4 or adenosinetriphosphate. Halvorson (1957)5) stated that certain bacterial spores will be able to make process of glucose metabolism without E. M. P. glycolytic cycle. After the germination take plack, however, phosphorylation reatcion22) should be necessary for normal growth and propagation of their vegetative cells. It is probably valid from Treadwells experiment (1958), in which headded one of the following sodium azide, monoiodoacetic acid and dinitrophenol to the spore culture and found a marked retardation in growth phase of vegetative cells after the germination had completed. A similar line of the research is just our primary concern about Bacillus circulans how the different stage of its growth is really inhibited by the presence of sodium pyrophosphate and sorbic acid. By a test for the culture of Bacillus circulans in a medium containing pepton, glucose, sodium chloride, and sodium pyrophosphate (0.4 per cent), it showed a more restricted consumption of glucose accompanied by a samll change in pH value throughout the cultiion than the culture in which the polyphosphate was entirely absent. A nepherometric observation was carried out of the whole progress of growth, covering germination, outgrowth and cell division of the microorganism, with a culture medium, to which L-alanine (6mM), adenosine (12 μM), sodium pyrophosphate (0.4%) and sorbic acid (0.1%) were incorporated. As shown in Fig. 3 and 4, the pyrophosphate not looks like to affect on germination but on the growth phase afterward. Also it is clear in a series of photomicrograph of Plate 1, vegetative cells in chain form can scarcely be seen even after 24 hours incubation, while in a control run, many rod-shaped forms in chain are found in a sample of 9 and 24 hours. The presence of sodium azide or monoindoacetic acid can give a similar pattern of growth (Plate 2 and 3). Also electronmicrographs from Plate 5, 6 and 7 would show a moredetailed picture of each growth phase. In the culture containing sodium pyrophosphate, certain number of spore indicate translucnt area in spore and others are partly broken after a few hours cultivation and small number of vegetative form only develops in 24 hours culture. From the foregoing findings, sodium pyrophosphate and sorbic acid seem to play a main part of inhibition on both growth phase and cell division rather than on germination of the spores of Bacillus circulans.
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- 魚肉の腐敗に伴うアミノ酸の消長に就て
- 4. トリメチルアミンオキシドに関する諸問題
- 講演4, 5に対する討論
- 放射能汚染魚に関する研究-IV : 放射性鉄の確認について
- 5・ニトロ・2・フルフラルデヒド・セミカルバゾンを消費する細菌に就て
- 塩藏鯨肉の變質判定に就て
- 魚介類におけるホルムアルデヒドならびにジメチルアミン生成に関する研究-VII : 両物資生成に及ぼすメチレン青の影響
- マグロ類ジェリーミートの研究-III : キハダマグロ・ジェリーミート中のプロテアーゼ活性
- マグロ類ジェリーミートの研究-II. : キハダマグロ・ジェリーミート筋繊維細片の観察
- マグロ類ジェリーミートの研究-I. : キハダマグロジェリーミートのたんぱく質の分画
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- 魚介類におけるホルムアルデヒドならびにジメチルアミン生成に関する研究-VIII : Cofactorの存在について
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- 魚肉ソーセージの軟化現象について-V : 軟化原因細菌Bacillus circulansの芽胞生育におよぼすピロ燐酸ソーダおよびソルビン酸の影響
- トリメチルアミンの自動分析
- 連続濃度勾配カラムクロマトグラフィーによるイノシン,ヒポキサンチン,尿酸およびヌクレオチドの迅速定量法
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- Food Hygienical Studies on Japanese Fish-cake Products-I:The Rate of Penetration of Cooking Temperature in Fish-cakes of Commerce
- The Softening Deterioration of Fish Sausage-I:Some Chemical and Microscopical Aspects
- The Softening Deterioration of Fish Sausage-II:Microbiological Studies of the Softening Deterioration
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- Food Hygienical Studies on Japanese Fish-cake Products-IV:Bacterial Contamination Occurred during the Manufacturing Process of HAMPEN (a Kind of Fish-cake Products) and the Sanitary Control.
- Studies on the Radioactivity in Certain Pelagic Fish-II:Group Separation of Radioactive Elements in Fish Tissues
- 揮発性塩基,トリメチルアミン,ATP関連化合物の魚類鮮度判定法としての測定意義