漁網の色に関する研究-IV : 照度変化が魚群の行動に及ぼす影響について
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Chief results of the present observations are summarized as follows: 1) A school of fish (Salmo gairdnerii irideus (GIBBONS)) meeting with a coloured net behaves differently as the illumination changes. Where-as it is the wave length of the light reflected by the net what is influential in the day time, both the kind and the depth of colour of the net affect the fish behaviour in twilight. 2) In the light of day time fish passage through a coloured net seems to be independent of the maximum distance at which, the net is visible in water. But in twilight the more readily fishes become entangled in a net, the shorter the range of vision for the net. 3) No particular relationship seems to prevail between the brightness of the reflected light on a coloured net and the passage of a fish school through the net. In twilight, however, where fish enmeshing was observed instead of fish passage using a net of smaller sized mesh, it may be said that with nets of the same kind of colour, fish enmeshing takes place the more frequently in the darker colour of the net. 4) As for a coloured net in twilight there holds a good parallelism between the invisibility of the net to the naked eye and the tendency of fish to be entangled in the net. 5) Barring effect of a coloured net against fish passage is greater in the day time than in twilight.
- 漁業機械研究会報告
- 漁網の色に関する研究-IV : 照度変化が魚群の行動に及ぼす影響について
- 漁網の色に関する研究-III : 網地の色彩の濃淡が魚群の行動に及ぼす影響について
- 漁網の色に関する研究-II : 着色網地に対する魚群の行動及び魚群の網目通過について
- 漁網の色に関する研究-I : 魚群の網目通過状況に関する予備実験
- 底魚の垂直分布-III
- 底魚の垂直分布-I
- 網地の縮結と魚群の網目の通過に就て-II
- はえなわ漁業機械と漁労システム(荷役・運搬設備)
- 19・2 水産機械 : 19. 産業機械
- 19・2 水産機械 : 19.産業機械
- 19-3 水産機械: 19. 産業機械 : 機械工学年鑑特別号
- 19・3 水産機械(19.産業機械,機械工学年鑑)
- 19・2 水産機械(19.産業機械,年鑑)
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- 定置網の逆さ網の漁獲に関する研究
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