食品防腐劑(フラスキン, D. H. A., パナゾーン)並に紫外線灯の煉製品に対する防腐に関する研究
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Preservative effects of chemicals and ultra-violet ray on fish cakes were examined. Preservatives : Each of the following chemicals was added to the mashed fish meat in the prescribed percentage. 1. Furaskin (5 nitro 2 furfuryl semicarbazone) 0.003% 2. Panazone (Bis 5 nitro furfurylidine acetoneguanyl hydrazone) 0.003% 3. Dehydro acetic acid (D. H. A.) (3 acetyl 6 methyl 2.4. (3H) dione) 0.1% Ultra-violet ray : Quartz tube (diameter 25mm, length 36mm) is placed at a height of 30cm above “Kamaboko” (a kind of fish cakes) containing no preservatives to project the ultra-violet ray of wave length 2537 Å on the surface of “Kamaboko” for 30 minutes. Four samples of “Kamaboko”, each containing one of the preservatives or treated by the ultra-violet ray, were kept for days in an incubator at a temperature of 30°C and in a high humidity. The results of organoleptic inspection are given in Table 2 and the increases of total volatile acid, volatile basic nitrogen and number of micro-organisms are given in Figs. 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Judging from the results, it may be said that furaskin is the most effective among the three preservatives, while panazone has least preservative power for fish cakes. The ultra-violet ray proved to have the antiseptic effect and preservative effect, slightly stronger than those of D. H. A.
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- 食品防腐劑(フラスキン, D. H. A., パナゾーン)並に紫外線灯の煉製品に対する防腐に関する研究
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