二枚貝のカロチノイドについて-IV : アカガイのカロチノイド色素
- 論文の詳細を見る
Carotenoids were studied on the muscle and viscera of twelve samples of ark-shell, Anadara broutnü, in the same way as the authors adopted for previous papers. As shown in the Tables 2 and 3, eight different carotenoids were separated. Lutein, and β-carotene were identified, and zeaxanthin like, taraxanthin like, mytiloxanthin like pigments were observed. Lutein was found in every sample except sample 6 and its content was higher than other carotenoids. Content of carotenoids in viscera was lower than that in muscle except sample 5, one viscera of sample lacked carotenoids entirely. Samples 11 and 12 contained lutein in the muscle five to ten times as much as the other samples analysed. The muscle of those two samples were more reddish than that of other samples.
- 公益社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
- 二枚貝のカロチノイドについて-V : イタヤガイのカロチノイド色素
- 二枚貝のカロチノイドについて-IV : アカガイのカロチノイド色素
- 二枚貝のカロチノイドについて-III : シジミのカロチノイド色素
- アサリの無機質の年間変動
- アサリのカロチノイド色素 (二枚貝のカロチノイドについて-1,2-)