魚類における蛋白同化ステロイドの成長促進効果に関する生理学的研究-I : キンギョに対する影響
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It is recognized that the growth rate of the goldfish treated with 4-Cl was about two times higher than that of the control, and the optimum dose for the sish was 0.5mg per fish in both sexually active and inactive seasons. Such and effective anabolic action was not recognized in the case of MAD and T. P. mainly because of strong secondary effects of these steroids. Renotrophic action and suppresseve one to gonadal maturation were also observed in the case of 4-Cl. 4-Cl has the renotrophic action, i. e. hypertrophy of epithelial cells and thrir nuclei of kidney tubules. However, in fish unlike in rat, this action is not available as an index of bioassay of anabolic action. The supperssive action of 4-Cl to gonadal maturation in the goldfish is chiefly attributable to inhibition of yolk deposition in the oocytes.
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