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It was reported by PHILLIPS et al1) and HALVER2) that biotin is an indispensable vitamin for trout and salmon fingerlings which possess rather short intestine. Since biotin can be synthesized by intestinal microflora, it is of interest to study whether or not an oral intake of biotin is essential for such fish as the goldfish possessing rather a long intestine. As judged from the growth response and increase in biotin level of hepatopancreas when biotin was supplemented, it is evident that the goldfish needs the oral intake of biotin. These data (Tables 3 and 4) suggest that the amount of biotin synthesized in the gut was not enough to meet its requirement. Furthermore, it was found that the supplementation of succinyl sulfathiazole to a biotin-deficient group made increase the biotin level of its liver comparable to that of control group with biotin (Table 4). This result indicates that a microfloral change in the gut due to the presence of this cocci-static agent resulted in an increase in biotin supply probably through either a greater biotin synthesis or a decrease in biotin consumption in the gut.
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