幼稚魚が流れ藻に伴う機構についての実験的研究-III : 視覚刺激につての実験
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Regarding the taxis of fishes toward drifting seaweeds, the localization of fishes by visual stimulation was studied by experiments with a rotating aquarium. (Fig. 1). The results of the experiments (Table 1) are rather complex. A visual stimulation always caused some reaction in the fishes. The degree of the reaction, however, varied from a swimming movement in the same direction with a moving object, to a mere increase in activity according to the species of fish. It is suggested that localization by visual stimulation may in some cases play an important part in the taxis of fishes toward drifting seaweeds. Juvenile fishes may try to keep relative positions with drifting seaweeds within a certain range after they meet. it. Those fishes living in closer spatial relation with drifting seaweeds have less sensibility for a visual stimulation. For these fishes, localization by a tactual stimulation may play an important role. A visual stimulation must be one of the factors but not the only factor which attracts juvenile fishes to flotsam. Further studies are needed.
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