- 論文の詳細を見る
In the experiments undertaken for studying the subject indicated in the title, five individuals of the lobster were kept in a vessel or vessels. The experiments were repeated 14 times on different occasions. During every experiment, the length of which ranged from one to a few days, the animals were fed with raw muscle of the top shell, Turbo cornutus SOLANDER; the amount of feed they ate was calculated by weighing the amount of existing food at two hours intervals from the beginning of the work onward. When the measurement of the food intake was less than three times of standard errors (σ), the value was discarded as ineffective. The results revealed that the feeding pattern of the lobster was desultory in regard to both the amount and diurnal hours of feeding, with the extents of individual variations seen in Figs. 2 to 7. In further scrutiny, however, the frequency of effective feeding each specimen showed in even numbered diurnal hours (24, 2, 4 hours so on) was counted throughout the experiments. Consequently it became clear that the animals would follow a bimodal pat-tern in their feeding activities: one peak appearing during the time from 18 to 20 hours, and the other from 24 to 2 hours (Fig. 8). The positions of the peaks were compared with those observed occurring at dawn and dusk in experimental fishing previously undertaken for the lobster. The first peak in the present experiments had a good agreement with the peak of catch found at dusk, but the second peak was 2 hours earlier than the peak of catch that took place at dawn in the previous experiment. No difference was found between the feeding patterns which were observed either in a dark room or at an ordinary laboratory room under natural light.
- 公益社団法人 日本水産学会の論文
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