15. Clinical Observations of So-called Monstrocellular Sarcoma
Suzuki Yoichi
Neurosurgical Division,Osaka Red Cross Hospital
Matsushima Masayuki
Neurosurgical Division,Osaka Red Cross Hospital
Ando Kyozo
Neurosurgical Division,Osaka Red Cross Hospital
Yamamoto Toyoshiro
Neurological Department Of Osaka Red Cross Hospital
TSUJI Hiroshi
Neurological Department of Osaka Red Cross Hospital
Waga Shiro
Neurosurgery Kyoto University School Of Medichine
WAGA Shiro
Neurosurgical Division, Osaka Red Cross Hospital
Neurosurgical Division, Osaka Red Cross Hospital
Neurosurgical Division, Osaka Red Cross Hospital
YAMAMOTO Toyoshiro
Neurosurgical Division, Osaka Red Cross Hospital
ANDO Kyozo
Neurosurgical Division, Osaka Red Cross Hospital
- A-52. Our Experience on Crerbellar Hemangioblastoma
- l-9. Follow-up study on head injuries
- S-A-2. Evaluation of the Stochastic Study for Acute Head Injury
- 114. Clinical Observations of the Ventriculo-atrial Shunt
- 15. Clinical Observations of So-called Monstrocellular Sarcoma
- D-18. A Case of "Juxta-basal Abnormal Arteriolar Network" (Special Discussion:Occulsive Arterial Disorders of the Main Trnks of the Cerebral Arteries,Particularly Found in Japan)
- S-5. The Brain Tumors with Excellent Recovery by Radiation Therapy (Symosium:Non-Operatives Treauments for Brain Tumors)
- 37. Prognosis of Intracranial Hematoma in Cases with Lucid Internal (Proceedings of the XXVth Annual Meeting of the Japan Neurosurgical Society)
- 71 71. Studies on Arteriovenous Malformation with Special Reference to the Relationship between the Symptoms and the Findings of Cerebral Angiography
- 93 A Study on Cases of Atypical Traumatic Intracranial Hematoma
- e-13. Epilepsy in Association Weth Intracranial Tumor
- 15. Clinical Observations of So-called Monstrocellular Sarcoma