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Uniaxial compression tests of frozen clay with ice lenses were conducted to clarify the effects of ice lens contents on the strength. Specimens (5 cm in diameter, 8 cm or 10 cm in height) were prepared by using Fujinomori clay sampled from Kyoto and had ice contents (<I>w</I><SUB>i</SUB>) ranging from 50% to 4000%. The tests were carried out systematically with respect to the dependence of compressive strength on ice contents, temperature, direction of loading, strain rate and specimen height.<BR>When the load is applied to the direction of freezing, the strength of frozen clay with ice lenses increases linearly as <I>w</I><SUB>i</SUB> increases, and then approaches gradually to the strength of the ice lens. When the load is applied perpendicular to the freezing direction, the strength of frozen clay with ice lenses is almost constant irrespective of ice lens contents under the same compressive condition. In comparison with frozen clay not including an ice lens, the strength of frozen clay with ice lenses does not always become small and can become large in some circumstances.
- 社団法人 日本雪氷学会の論文
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