Black Rats from Mauritius with a New Karyotype Involving the Robertsonian Fission:A Preliminary Note
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Four black rats collected in the Mauritius Island lying in Indian Ocean have the karyotype basically categorized in the Oceanian type containing large metacentric M1 and M2 pairs, but 2n-number is 42 in 3 specimens and 43 in one. The increase of the chromosome number resulted from the presence of 8 small acrocentrics. These excessive acrocentrics are formed by the Robertsonian fission-type mechanism of 4 small metacentrics. One rat with 43 chromosomes has a similar karyotype to the above, except for the presence of one extra chromosome which results from the Robertsonian fission of one of the large metacentric M1 pair.
- 日本学士院の論文
Moriwaki Kazuo
National Institute Of Genetics
YOSIDA Tosihide
National Institute of Genetics
National Institute of Genetics
Hokkaido Institute of Public Health
National Institute of Genetics
MONTY Jacques
Entomology Division, Ministry of Agriculture
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