Forefront of medicine medical treatment.High lipoid protein ( hyperlipidemia ) classification and origin.
- 司会のことば
- 序文とまとめ
- Association of gene polymorphism of the fat-mass and obesity-associated gene with insulin resistance in Japanese
- 酸化LDLを基盤とした動脈硬化研究の展開
- 0772 血管内皮細胞における酸化LDL受容体LOX-1を介するアポトーシス細胞の貪食機構
- 高脂血症原因遺伝子--候補遺伝子アプロ-チ (Common Disease原因遺伝子解明に向けて--現状と展望) -- (高脂血症)
- 内分泌・代謝高脂血症の成因と治療
- 動脈硬化の分子医学 -司会の言葉-
- フィブロネクチンとマクロファージ
- 各種門脈圧亢進モデルでの全身および腹腔内血行動態の計測
- 発生工学や個体レベルでの遺伝子導入による動脈硬化研究の現状と将来司会のことば
- 左総頸、鎖骨下動脈、右外腸骨動脈閉塞、右冠動脈肺動脈瘻など多彩な血管病変を呈した1例 : 日本循環器学会第74回近畿地方会
- 動脈便化 : 循環器学1992年の進歩
- 動脈硬化の発生機序,予防,治療--動物モデルを用いた基礎的研究 (第33回日本老年医学会総会記録) -- (老年医学における基礎と臨床の接点(シンポジウム))
- マクロファ-ジの泡沫化機構
- Accumulation of common polymorphisms is associated with development of hypertension : a 12-year follow-up from the Ohasama study
- 血漿交換がSLE治療経過中のTTPに有効であった一例 : 日本アフェレシス学会第18回関西地方会
- Aldosterone Signaling Associates With p300/GATA4 Transcriptional Pathway During the Hypertrophic Response of Cardiomyocytes
- 解離性大動脈瘤・虎血性疾患・脳動脈瘤を合併した原発性アルドステロン症の1例 : 日本循環器学会第74回近畿地方会
- 培養血管内皮細胞でのlysophosphatidylcholineによる増殖因子遺伝子発現の誘導 : 第58回日本循環器学会学術集会
- Variation in OSBPL10 is associated with dyslipidemia
- 序文とまとめ
- 司会のことば
- メタボリックシンドローム (特集 生活習慣病は進化病である--生活習慣に対応できない身体) -- (進化による疾病(生活習慣病)の変化)
- Six-Minute Walk Distance in Healthy Japanese Adults
- Metabolic syndrome 病態の理解と今後の展望について
- 動脈硬化と腎不全-第39回日本透析医学会シンポジウムより-
- 高比重リポ蛋白(HDL)によるマクロファージ(Mφ)のアラキドン酸代謝刺激効果に関する検討
- Soluble lectin-like oxidized LDL receptor-1 (sLOX-1) as a sensitive and specific biomarker for acute coronary syndrome-Comparison with other biomarkers
- Association of carotid atherosclerosis with genetic polymorphisms of the klotho gene in patients with hypertension
- Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes of Japanese Women Undergoing Coronary Revascularization Therapy
- Synergistic effect of non-transmissible Sendai virus vector encoding the c-myc suppressor FUSE-binding protein-interacting repressor plus cisplatin in the treatment of malignant pleural mesothelioma
- Japan Renal Biopsy Registry : the first nationwide, web-based, and prospective registry system of renal biopsies in Japan
- Predicting Long-Term Mortality After First Coronary Revascularization
- Intensity of Statin Therapy, Achieved Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Levels and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Japanese Patients After Coronary Revascularization : Perspectives From the CREDO-Kyoto Registry Cohort-2
- Serum Level of Fibrinogen Aα Chain Fragment Increases in Chronic Thromboembolic Pulmonary Hypertension
- Influence of adrenomedullin 2/intermedin gene polymorphism on blood pressure, renal function and silent cerebrovascular lesions in Japanese : the Ohasama study
- Association between osteopontin promoter variants and diastolic dysfunction in hypertensive heart in the Japanese population
- An early event of EGFR mutation in pleomorphic carcinoma of the lung
- Preventive Effects of Eicosapentaenoic Acid on Coronary Artery Disease in Patients With Peripheral Artery Disease : Subanalysis of the JELIS Trial
- Evaluation of genetic loci influencing adult height in the Japanese population
- Soluble Lectin-Like Oxidized Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor-1 Predicts Prognosis After Acute Coronary Syndrome : A Pilot Study
- Hunting for genes for hypertension : the Millennium Genome Project for Hypertension
- Forefront of medicine medical treatment.High lipoid protein ( hyperlipidemia ) classification and origin.