- 論文の詳細を見る
We analysed hemodynamics of 13 hypertensive cases since August, 1954. We assumed 30 years old as the upper range of juvenile hypertension according to Masters statistics (1952) which is paid very discretion in dealing with the matrix. On an average, the systolic pressure of 13 patients was 152 mmHg., the diastolic 75 mmHg. Blood pressure level was as a rule labile and sometimes went down to normotension at the rest. In conformity to Wezler-Bögers classification contrasted with Fick-Cournands method, 4 cases can be grouped into W form, and 9 into M form: E form is not found up to date. In M form there were observed 6 cases with moderately high basal metabolism.In the group with elevated basal metabolism, the diastolic pressure was relatively low, the pulse pressure large, and the total peripheral resistance was decreased. Electolytes in serum were within normal range. In W form group there was one patient who showed hyperreactivity to both cold-pressor and histamine test. According to Keith-Wageners classification, there was found one III type, and the others were grouped into I type. In Thorns test eosinopenia registered 30% in 3 cases, and 9% in one patient.The patient who was of W form and III type was complicated by renal insufficiency.We have elucidated some differences hemodynamically between juvenile and senile hypertension, i.e. in former group while Eform was less dominant, there prevailed M form in which basal metabolism was often augumented and Methylthiouracil proved effective. En Passant in juvenile hypertension, there were found a few patients who showed malignant signs immediately from prehypertensive state.
- 社団法人 日本内科学会の論文
勝呂 清
千大 第2内科
勝呂 清
神保 鎭
渡邊 和夫
徳政 義和
稻垣 義明
中村 和之
椎名 富衞
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