HB virus 父子間感染の検討 (子供に対するHB vaccin の適応)
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165 children in 83 families who have HBsAg carrier fathers and HBsAg negative mothers were teSted for HBsAg and anti-HBS in Serum. The number of HBeAg positive father was 44 and HBeAg negative father was 39. Serological evidence of father-to-child transmission of HB virus was found in 24.2% of 165 children, and 9.1% of them were HBsAg carriers. Between the children whose fathers were HBeAg positive and HBeAg negative, significant difference was observed in the rate of father-to-child transmission of HB virus. 10.9% of the children of HBeAg positive fathers were HBsAg carriers and 22.8% of them were anti-HBs positive. 6.8% of the children of HBeAg negative fathers were HBsAg carriers and 5.5% of them were anti-HBs positive. It is concluded that vaccination is necessary to the children of HBeAg positive fathers to prevent father-to-child transmission of HB virus.
- 社団法人 日本肝臓学会の論文
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- HB virus 父子間感染の検討 (子供に対するHB vaccin の適応)