The quantitative assessment of the glucose intolerance in cirrhosis by intravenous glucose tolerance test and insulin tolerance test.
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For the quantitative assessment of the glucose intolerance in cirrhosis by intravenous glucose tolerance test (IVGTT) and insulin tolerance test (ITT), two steps of experiments with thioacetamideinduced cirrhotic rats were done under automatic glucose monitor. The first experiment which was concerned with analysis of blood sugar curve obtained by IVGTT and ITT revealed the possibility that glucose disposal rate might be prospected by the analytic index of IVGTT and ITT. The second experiment in which glucose disposal rate was measured by hyperglycemic glucose clamp method demonstrated that the prospected values approximated to the measured values. Therefore we concluded that IVGTT and ITT were useful for the prospection of glucose disposal rate without insulin and maximum disposal rate under insulin infusion. In addition, glucose intolerance in thioacetamide-induced cirrhotic rats was thought to be caused by the decrease of insulin secretion and by insulin resistance.
- 社団法人 日本肝臓学会の論文
大内 清昭
蘆野 吉和
大和田 康夫
蘆野 吉和
佐藤 隆次
佐藤 隆次
大和田 康夫
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