- 論文の詳細を見る
The ratio of portal venous to total hepatic blood flow was measured in various liver diseases using a Tc-99m phytate scintigraphy and its clinical usefulness was discussed.<BR>The average ratio of portal venous to total hepatic blood flow was proportionally decreased to the progression of the diseases (normal 77.7±4.7%, chronic hepatitis 67.9±7.4% and liver cirrhosis 39.0±13.3%). All patients with the ratio of below 50% were cirrhotic and cirrhotic patients with esophageal varices showed significantly lower ratio compared with those without.<BR>In six patients with primary or secondary liver cancer, separate analysis of the ratio at cancerous and non-cancerous region was performed and it was useful for the assessment of hepatic reserve power.<BR>In conclusion, this method is very simple to do and gives clinically useful information on hepatic blood flow.
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