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Absolute ethanol has been widely proposed for several years as an agent for therapeutic injection against small hepatocellular carcinomas. We measured necrotic areas in normal rat livers caused by injections of varied concentrations of ethanol (25%, 50%, 75%, 99.5%) after a period of 72hr. Necrotic areas increased significantly in relation to increasing ethanol concentrations (p<0.01). We have reported that desmin existed in cytoplasma of Ito cells and that, conversely, Ito cells were easily found by desmin staining of damaged livers. Fibrosis in hepatic lobules was suggested to depend upon Ito cells. We observed Ito cells and hepatic fibrosis after absolute ethanol injections by using desmin staining. After 24hr, the number of Ito cells slightly increased around necrotic areas and polymorphonuclear leukocytes infiltrated into necrotic areas. After 48hr, Ito cells were observed around necrotic areas, formed into layers, and their cytoplasmic processes were elongated. However, fibrosis was slight. After 72hr, coagulation necrosis was apparently observed and fibrous bands were evident. Ito cells increased in number around necrotic areas, and their cytoplasmic processes elongated, and they attached themselves to that of neighboring cells. Ito cells decreased with the progress of fibrosis thereafter. These findings suggest that Ito cells show a close relationship to hepatic fibrosis.
- 社団法人 日本肝臓学会の論文
- IB-30 培養伊東細胞のサイトスケルトン
- 病気の生化学-128-体質性黄疸
- 1A11 肝線維化過程における伊東細胞の動態
- II-17 急性アルコール肝障害におけるFat-storing cellの動態について
- II-16 四塩化炭素肝障害におけるFat-storing cellの動態について
- I-C-23 Fat-storing cell(伊東細胞)におけるdesminの検出
- II-C-20 組織内Actinの新しい螢光組織化学的同定法
- I-A-7 先天性胆道閉鎖症に於ける形態学的研究 : 光顕および電顕の比較検討
- 体質性黄疸と体質性ICG排泄異常症における血清胆汁酸の定量分析
- 慢性関節リウマチに慢性甲状腺炎および原発性胆汁性肝硬変を併発し,抗セントロメア抗体を認めた1症例
- BSP試験が高度の異常を示した間接型高ビリルビン血症の1例(体質性黄疸の新しい病態)
- 自己免疫性肝疾患における小葉間胆管病変の超微形態学的研究
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- Dubin-Johnson症候群の3例とその動態に関する考察
- βカロチン血症の一例 肝電顕像と色素代謝
- フィンガーピース法によるICG試験
- Affect of cytochalasin B (CB) and phalloidin (Ph) to the actin filaments of primary cultured rat hepatocyte.
- The effects of cytochalasin B (CB) on the biliary secretion of Na-fluorescein in primary cultured rat hepatocytes.
- 局所障害による肝線維化と伊東細胞の動態
- Changes of Ito cells (fat-storing cells) by administration of carbon tetrachloride with reference to hepatic fibrosis.
- Isolation and characterization of human liver cell actin and 53 K dalton protein.
- 薬剤過敏症胆汁うっ滞性肝炎の肝細胞内microfilamentsについて
- Hepatic Transport of Indocyanine Green and Bromsulphalein in Two Cases with Discrepancy
- Lymphcyte Stimulation Test in Halothane induced hepatic injury and its clinical observation
- Desmin filaments in cultured Ito cells.
- タイトル無し
- 単離ラット伊東細胞の培養および薬剤添加培養による細胞骨格の変化,特にアクチン,ミオシン,デスミンについて
- The cytoskeleton of cultured gastric mucosal cells.
- Culture of isolated Ito cell (fat-storing cell).
- エタノール局所注入後の肝組織壊死と線維化に関する検討