Electron microscopic histochemistry of lysosomes in hepatocytes and the role of cytoskeletons on the lysosomal secretion into bile.
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The aim of the present study is to assess the morphological features of lysosomes in hepatocytes and secretion of a lysosomal enzyme, acid phosphatase (AP), in bile under physiological and pathological conditions using cytoskeleton inhibitors including colchicine (Col), cytochalasin B (CB) and phalloidin (Ph). Biliary concentration of AP was not decreased by a Col treatment, but significantly decreased by CB and Ph treatments. In an electron microscopic study, AP activity was observed in the lysosomes and tubular structures with about 100nm in diameter. Although a Col treatment produced minor effects on AP-positive structures, but the number and the area of APpositive structures significantly increased in treatments of CB and Ph. These data suggest that biliary lysosomal secretion is not dependent on microtubules but on microfilaments. Furthermore AP-positive tubular structures around the bile canaliculi may participate in the lysosomal secretion.
- 社団法人 日本肝臓学会の論文
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- Electron microscopic histochemistry of lysosomes in hepatocytes and the role of cytoskeletons on the lysosomal secretion into bile.