A case of nodular regenerative hyperplasia of the liver which occurred during long-termed steroid and immunosuppressant therapy for polyarteritis nodosa.
- 論文の詳細を見る
We reported a case of NRHL associated with PN, diagnosed by needle biopsy of the liver during long-termed medication. In July 1982, a 67-year-old man was diagnosed as PN by necrotizing angitis in many organs and microaneurysm of hepatic artery. Before starting medication with predonisolone and cyclophosphamide, the liver specimen revealed no abnormality. No relapse had occurred after treatment. However, ascites and splenomegaly were found in April 1990. Needle biopsy of the liver was performed for diagnosis. Intralobular nodular formation and atrophy without fibrosis in the interventing tissue by compression were found. Neither necrotizing angitis nor portal venous thrombosis was seen. These findings suggest that predonisolone and/or cyclophosphamide may cause nodular formation of hepatocytes.
- 社団法人 日本肝臓学会の論文
野々村 昭孝
善田 貴裕
岡本 理花
増永 高晴
竹田 康男
大森 俊明
竹田 亮祐
岡田 俊英
森田 達志
小市 勝之
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