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To clarify the mechanism of coupling phenomena such as heat, mass and electric charge transfer in a single-cell polymer electrolyte fuel cell (PEFC), we have measured in-plane temperature distribution in a single-cell PEFC by thermograph under power generation. We have investigated the influence of relative humidity and flow rate of supply gas and gas channel pitch of separator on in-plane temperature distribution and power generation performance. As a result, when the stoichiometric ratio of gas flow rate is set over 1.00 regardless of relative humidity of supply gas, the lower and higher temperature region is observed near the inlet and outlet of cell, respectively. This is caused by the convention heat transfer by excess oxygen flow in gas channel at the cathode. Total voltage is increased and the temperature in observation area is decreased with decreasing the gas channel pitch of separator regardless of relative humidity of supply gas under the experimental condition in this study.
田中 成季
大島 淳
森本 淳志
廣田 真史
西村 顕
成田 雅彦
田中 成季
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