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Internal-mixing twin-fluid atomizers are used as burners particularly for combustion of heavy fuel oils, coal-water slurry fuels and sludges. However, design standards for these atomizers have not yet been established. The present paper describes an experimental study of the turbulent characteristics of the air jets issuing from the outlet port of the internal-mixing atomizer. Measurements were conducted by means of a laser doppler velocimeter to clarify the atomization mechanisms as the first step.<BR>For comparison, the jet characteristics of a circular-tube nozzle were also measured. It was found that the internal-mixing nozzle has remarkably different characteristics from those of circular-tube nozzle. The jets which issued immediately after the nozzle port had higher turbulent intensity and larger integral scale than those of the circular-tube jets and showed a self-preserving nature while moving downstream. Due to these phenomena, it is considered that turbulence may be amplified by recirculation flow caused by a confined jet within the mixing chamber.<BR>The high-intensity turbulence in the region near the nozzle had high Reynolds stress, resulting in momentum transport which could be considered to contribute to liquid atomization and flame stabilization.
- 社団法人 化学工学会の論文
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