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Operating characteristics of trickling filters with rock media were quantitatively investigated. On the data collected from municipal wastewater treatment plants by the questionarie method, the adaptability of the method of predicting the BOD removal rate, presented by one of the authors, was ascertained and a value of the apparent reaction rate constant was determined. Using the constant, values of the effluent BOD and the power economy, which is defined as the amount of BOD removed per unit power consumption, were evaluated under varied operating conditions. Operating characteristics of the trickling filter with rock media designated by Design Mannual of Municipal Wastewater Treatment Plant and Structural Standard of Community Wastewater Treatment Plant were clarified and criticized. It was concluded that in the trickling filter with rock media values of sufficiently low effluent BOD and also considerably higher power economy than those in the activated sludge process can be expected only as markedly low BOD loading conditions. The filter with rock media, which must be operated at lower hydraulic loading, gives smaller volumetric efficiency but higher power economy than the filter with plastic media does. It was also found that in the municipal plants many dissatisfactions on the quality of the effluent against contemporaly regulation of it appeared in the answers to the questionaires are caused from high BOD loadings in the plants.
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