- 論文の詳細を見る
It is well known that the Fe 47 eV (<I>M</I><SUB>2, 3</SUB><I>M</I><SUB>4, 5</SUB><I>M</I><SUB>4, 5</SUB>) Auger peak from iron crean surface disappears and new peaks appear simultaneously at 44 eV and 51 eV by the oxygen adsorption at room temperature. Although this type of a splitting phenomenon was conventionally interpreted in terms of the difference in the oxidation number of iron atoms (Fe<SUP>2+</SUP>, Fe<SUP>3+</SUP>) in the oxide, the reliable assignments for the split peaks have not yet been reported at present. As a result of our experimental and computational investigations, it has been concluded that the 44 eV Auger peak should be ascribed to the cross transition, <I>M</I><SUB>2, 3</SUB> (Fe) <I>L</I><SUB>2</SUB> (<I>O</I>)<I>L</I><SUB>2</SUB> (<I>O</I>), in the Fe-disordered-O layer in the surface region, whereas the 51 eV Auger peak should be ascribed to the Fe (<I>M</I><SUB>2, 3</SUB><I>V</I><SUP>*</SUP> <I>V</I><SUP>*</SUP>) transition in the ordered oxide (FeO) layer located under the disordered-O layers.
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