新強化米の***への投与効果 : とくに血液中ビタミンB1, Eについて
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A new type enriched rice, “Shingen, ” which contains vitamin B<SUB>1</SUB>, B<SUB>2</SUB>, B<SUB>6</SUB>, E, niacin and panthotenic acid as vitamins and calcium and iron as minerals, was developed and sold first in Fukuoka Prefecture in 1981. When it is mixed with polished rice at the ratio of 1: 200, the levels of those vitamins and minerals in mixture become to be the same levels as those of unpolished raw rice.<BR>We examined the nutritional effect of this new enriched rice on young female students of 20 years old living in Fukuoka City and its suburb. At first they were inquired into the intake of the enriched rice for the last six months and then divided into two groups: 1) intake group was consisted of students who ate the enriched rice at least twice a day as staple food (n=26). 2) no intake group of the enriched rice (control group) ate white rice at least twice a day (n=35). After one month survey of food intake their blood was taken in the morning following overnight fasting. The blood was analysed for its biochemical status as follows: 1) general characteristics of blood (counts of erythrocyte and leucocyte, level of hemoglobin, hematocrit, MCV, MCH and MCHC etc.), 2) vitamin B<SUB>1</SUB>level, 3) TPP effect in blood and transketolase activity in erythrocyte, 4) α-tocopherol and triglyceride levels in serum. Also, during this survey, we calculated the daily nutrients intakes of subjects on typical three days.<BR>The intake of nutrients of two groups was not different significantly except for vitamin B<SUB>1</SUB> and C of which intakes were higher in intake group than control, but vitamin E intake was not calculated. Blood characteristics were normal in both groups. Vitamin B<SUB>1</SUB> level in blood and transketolase activity in erythrocyte of intake group was significantly higher than that of control group (Figs. 3 a and 4). Similarly, in control group TPP effect was higher than that in intake group showing lower B<SUB>1</SUB>level in erythrocyte of contol group. The subjects to be marginal vitamin B<SUB>1</SUB> deficiency was found in high frequency in control group (the number of subjects; less than 30ng/ml were 9, 30-40ng/ml 10, 40-50ng/ml 7 subjects), comparing to two subjects in intake group, whose erythrocyte showed less TPP effect, suggesting no marginal deficiency. From these results it is suggested that vitamin B<SUB>1</SUB> intake should be kept higher level in diet for example by the intake of enriched rice.<BR>α-Tocopherol level in serum was not significantly different between both groups. But in control group three subjects showed low α-tocopherol level of less than 5.00μg/ml. Also, F distribution ratio was different significantly in both groups for serum α-tocopherol. This shows thatnew enriched rice intake minimizes the individual variation of serum α-tocopherol level. Triglyceride level in serum was not different in both groups.
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